Akinator Online

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Akinator GamePlay:

Step into the fantastic world of Akinator Online and have this AI simulator read your mind! Before you start the friv game you must think of a character from a film such as Snow White or Cinderella for example. Akinator will then ask you a series of questions to narrow down your possible choice and help him guess your answer!

Akinator can read your mind just like magic and tell you what character you are thinking of, just by asking a few questions. Think of a real or fictional character and Akinator will try to guess who it is. Will you dare challenge the genie? And what about other themes like movies, animals? NEW Extend your Akinator experience with a user account! Akinator lets you create your own user. Akinator is an online game developed by French company, Elokence. Known as the popular virtual genie, Akinator or Aki for short, lets you imagine a real or fictional character and just by asking a few questions, he will tell you exactly who you’re thinking about. Akinator is an online Twenty Questions game where you challenge the eponymous genie, Akinator, to guess a character or real-world person you've picked. It is noted for having a very extensive database of characters and people from even the most niche and obscure works—this is because the database is being constructed by the players; not only they can introduce new characters to Akinator. Puzzle Games Quiz. Coming out of an old oil lamp, lost in the desert and revealed by the wind, Akinator, the Web Genie, speaks all the languages of the world and possesses extraordinary divination skills.

This simulator works extremely well if you know your chosen character well and can answer questions about them easily. The questions asked could be specific such as “does your character ride a magic carpet” (Aladdin) or generic such as “is your character from a movie”. You can have hours of fun playing this friv online game and seeing if you can outwit Alkinator and make him guess incorrectly!

Akinator online 🔥+ akinator online 11 Jan 2021 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) both affect the joints, but there are important differences between the two.

Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character you are thinking about, just by asking a few questions. Think of a real or fictional character and Akinator will try to guess who it is.
Will you dare challenge the Genie?
Challenge your friends on the leader boards to prove who is the best. To let your children play safely, turn on the child filter.
THE ULTIMATE POTION unlocks many new characters, removes all ads from the app and It will also allow you to customize your characters so you too can impress your friends.
Akinator invites you to think outside the box. As you know, he likes to guess characters and takes up challenges ever more difficult. To do that, make him guess forgotten characters, who have not been played for a very long time.
Thanks to Geniz, you unlock and play with new backgrounds and customize Akinator as you want.The genie will turn into a vampire, a cow-boy or a disco man.
Each day, try to find 5 mysterious characters and win extra Geniz to customize your favorite Genie.
The talents of Akinator never end! Another surprise from the Genie: with MyWorld, discover a new way of playing. Challenge Akinator even more: make him guess who are your relatives and friends and gather them all into your own galerie MyWorld. Even better! Akinator can guess your friends and relatives even if you are not playing. Impossible?! Pass your mobile to your friends and try out the MyWorld experience… and be ready for the amaze!

Enjoy with http://m.friv4school-2019.com/

An API wrapper for the online game, Akinator, written in Python

Copyright © 2019 NinjaSnail1080

Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt for details).

Akinator.com is an online game where you think of a character, real or fiction, and by asking you questions the site will try to guess who you're thinking of. This library allows for easy access to the Akinator API and makes writing programs that use it much simpler.


Akinator Online Pc

To install the regular library without async support, just run the following command:

Otherwise, to get asynchronous support, do:

To get async support plus faster performance (via the aiodns and cchardet libraries), do:


  • Python ≥3.5.3
  • requests
  • aiohttp (Optional, for async)
  • aiodns and cchardet (Optional, for faster performance with async)

Usually pip will handle these for you.

Quick Examples

Here's a quick little example of the library being used to make a simple, text-based Akinator game:

Here's the same game as above, but using the async version of the library instead:


Because this library is relatively simple and only has a few functions to keep track of, all the documentation is going to go here in the README, instead of on a separate site like readthedocs.io or something.

The async version of this library works almost exactly the same as the regular, non-async one. Both have the same classes, names of functions, etc. Any differences will be noted.

Play akinator online for free

Version Information:

Alternatively, you can view the VERSION.txt file

class Akinator()

A class that represents an Akinator game.

The first thing you want to do after creating an instance of this class is to call Akinator.start_game().

To get the regular Akinator class, make sure you've put import akinator at the top of your code. From there you can easily access the class via akinator.Akinator().

To get the async version of the class, make sure you have import akinator.async_aki or from akinator.async_aki import Akinator in your code and you'll be able to get the async Akinator class just as easily (Refer to the code examples above).


Note: In the async version, all the below functions are coroutines and must be awaited

start_game(language=None, child_mode=False)

Start an Akinator game. Run this function first before the others. Returns a string containing the first question

The language parameter can be left as None for English, the default language, or it can be set to one of the following (case-insensitive):

  • en: English (default)
  • en_animals: English server for guessing animals. Here, Akinator will attempt to guess the animal you're thinking instead of a character
  • en_objects: English server for guessing objects. Here, Akinator will attempt to guess the object you're thinking instead of a character
  • ar: Arabic
  • cn: Chinese
  • de: German
  • de_animals: German server for guessing animals
  • es: Spanish
  • es_animals: Spanish server for guessing animals
  • fr: French
  • fr_animals: French server for guessing animals
  • fr_objects: French server for guessing objects
  • il: Hebrew
  • it: Italian
  • it_animals: Italian server for guessing animals
  • jp: Japanese
  • jp_animals: Japanese server for guessing animals
  • kr: Korean
  • nl: Dutch
  • pl: Polish
  • pt: Portuguese
  • ru: Russian
  • tr: Turkish
  • id: Indonesian

You can also put the name of the language spelled out, like spanish, korean, french_animals, etc. If you put something else entirely, then then the InvalidLanguageError exception will be raised

The child_mode parameter is False by default. If it's set to True, then Akinator won't ask questions about things that are NSFW

Akinator Online Play


Answer the current question, which you can find with Akinator.question. Returns a string containing the next question

Akinator Online No Download

The ans parameter must be one of these (case-insensitive):

  • yes or y or 0 for YES
  • no or n or 1 for NO
  • i or idk or i dont know or i don't know or 2 for I DON'T KNOW
  • probably or p or 3 for PROBABLY
  • probably not or pn or 4 for PROBABLY NOT

People Akinator Can't Guess

If it's something else, then the InvalidAnswerError exception will be raised


Goes back to the previous question. Returns a string containing that question

If you're on the first question and you try to go back, the CantGoBackAnyFurther exception will be raised


Get Aki's guesses for who the person you're thinking of is based on your answers to the questions so far

This function defines and returns the variable Akinator.first_guess, a dictionary describing his first choice for who you're thinking about. The three most important values in the dict are name (character's name), description (description of character), and absolute_picture_path (direct link to image of character)Here's an example of what the dict looks like:

Akinator Online No Download

This function also defines Akinator.guesses, which is a list of dictionaries containing his choices in order from most likely to least likely

It's recommended that you call this function when Aki's progression is above 80%. You can get his current progression via Akinator.progression


These variables contain important information about the Akinator game. Please don't change any of these values in your program. It'll definitely break things.

The uri this Akinator game is using. Depends on what you put for the language param in Akinator.start_game() (e.g., 'en.akinator.com', 'fr.akinator.com', etc.)
The server this Akinator game is using. Depends on what you put for the language param in Akinator.start_game() (e.g., 'https://srv2.akinator.com:9162', 'https://srv6.akinator.com:9127', etc.)
A number, usually in between 0 and 100, that represents the game's session
A usually 9 or 10 digit number that represents the game's signature
The game's UID (unique identifier) for authentication purposes
An IP address encoded in Base64; also for authentication purposes
A boolean that matches the child_mode param in Akinator.start_game()
A POSIX timestamp for when Akinator.start_game() was called
The current question that Akinator is asking the user. Examples of questions asked by Aki include: Is your character's gender female?, Is your character more than 40 years old?, Does your character create music?, Is your character real?, Is your character from a TV series?, etc.
A floating point number that represents a percentage showing how close Aki thinks he is to guessing your character. I recommend keeping track of this value and calling Akinator.win() when it's above 80 or 90. In most cases, this is about when Aki will have it narrowed down to one choice, which will hopefully be the correct one
An integer that tells you what question Akinator is on. This will be 0 on the first question, 1 on the second question, 2 on the third, 3 on the fourth, etc.
A dict that describes Akinator's first guess for who your character is. An example of what this dict will look like can be found in the documentation for the Akinator.win() function above. This variable will only be defined once that function is called
A list of dicts containing his choices in order from most likely to least likely. Each dict will look the same as first_guess. This list will also contain first_guess as the first entry. This variable will only be defined once Akinator.win() is called

The first 8 variables—uri, server, session, signature, uid, frontaddr, child_mode, and timestamp—will remain unchanged, but the next 3—question, progression, and step—will change as you go on. The final two—first_guess and guesses— will only be defined when Akinator.win() is called.


Exceptions that are thrown by the library

Raised when the user inputs an invalid answer into Akinator.answer(ans). Subclassed from ValueError
Raised when the user inputs an invalid language into Akinator.start_game(language=None). Subclassed from ValueError
Raised if the Akinator API fails to connect for some reason. Base class for AkiTimedOut, AkiNoQuestions, AkiServerDown, and AkiTechnicalError
Raised if the Akinator session times out. Derived from AkiConnectionFailure
Raised if the Akinator API runs out of questions to ask. This will happen if Akinator.step is at 79 and the answer function is called again. Derived from AkiConnectionFailure
Raised if Akinator's servers are down for the region you're running on. If this happens, try again later or use a different language. Derived from AkiConnectionFailure
Raised if Aki's servers had a technical error. If this happens, try again later or use a different language. Derived from AkiConnectionFailure
Raised when the user is on the first question and tries to go back further by calling Akinator.back()